This project is located in Jing’anDistrict, Shanghai.
Its serves mainly as high-end residence,commercial space and related facilities. The planning fully takes intoconsideration the integrity and coordination of the first and second phases,and thus aims at a harmonious and high-end residential as well as commercialcommunity.
Art Deco is the design style for this project.Some other buildings that share the same style like Kyoto Hotel and Villa Moserare landmark architectures in Shanghai. We borrow the characteristics of suchstyle into the design of residential buildings.
We retain the original columns on the exteriorwalls and use different levels of decoration for the façade to enrich itslayers and attraction. The overall façade finish is composed of stone andglass, which is dynamic. The ground floor of the compound is surrounded bycommercial shops, including the ones on the lower part of the residentialbuildings along Haining Road and the other independent ones along Tanggu Road.
The stones used on the residentialbuildings are disposed in different ways in order to blend into the verticaldecorative plates and enhance its “recognizability”.
In the end, penthouses encircled by metal panels and double glass wallslie on the top level of the residential buildings. Compared to other buildings,these architectures provide a more splendid image as they seem to be “crowned”and freeze a perfect frame on the roof.