Located on Zhaojiabang Rd, XuhuiDistrict, Shanghai Huijin Department Store covers a total area of 40,000 sqmfrom F1-F7. The design includes interior design of seven floors and waslaunched in 2017.
Our design intends to create a linkbetween different floors and central void with curves, waves and water elementsin  neutral style. For the key areas weadopted colors with transparent feeling to help guide people flow and to highlightthe intersection passage of different areas.
Following the concept of water, thedesign we did for the intersection part of passages intends to remind people ofcrystal water drops.
Along pillars we developed a rippledesign on the ceiling to get a dynamic and smooth effect with hidden lightsystem .
The idea of frame originates from the factthat we have some structural walls on-site, which determined several fixedpassages on the floor plan.
We made use of these structural walls tomark the passages through different floor plan areas.